Helping othersWe Love To Give Back
Throughout our lives helping others has always featured strongly. Our Fabulous Lemon Drops journey began with a fundraising performance for the Starlight Children's Foundation at our home for our daughter's eighth birthday. Since that day we have performed at many charity fundraisers and often use our touring performances as an opportunity to raise money for a particular charity. In the past we have helped the Australian Koala Foundation, the Children's Hospital Foundation, SANE Australia plus many more.
This year we are proud to be supporting the important work of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF). The ILF is a national charity working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander remote Communities across Australia. ILF programs include supplying books and other literacy resources and publishing books created by remote Communities - many in First Languages. We will have an ILF collection tin at all our live performances this year and we have also set up an online donation page on the ILF website. Please help us to help the ILF in 2024.

Helping Other Musicians
Our blog, Electric Kids Music, was also born out of a desire to give back. From our personal experience getting media attention for our new music was one of the most difficult tasks we faced as a band. When we were told by a major media outlet that "we only feature famous people" we decided it was time to do something to help others facing the same battle. Since then, we have helped numerous independent children's musicians promote their new music through our in-depth reviews.